Anyone Can Dank. It is the simplest form of "remixing," generally taking less than 5 minutes, but it leaves music profoundly different in a way that I, at least, find to be fascinating.
1. Download Audacity and install for free.
2. Go to File--> Import--> Audio. Import the song of your choosing.
3. Once file is imported, go to Effect--> Change Speed
4. You can experiment of course, but I tend to usually just change the first drop-down box next to Standard Vinyl RPM to 45, leaving the second box on 33 1/3. Thus, the song will be slowed to the equivalent of a single played at album speed on a turntable.
5. Listen to remix to ensure that you are satisfied with the change. Other effects can be applied here.
6. Once you've finished experimenting, go to File--> Export and export file as mp3.
7. Upload file to internet service of your choice.
P.S. Dank'd is my shamelessly self-promotional way of putting this music out there, ala DJ Screw's "Screwed" music. Call it whatever the hell you want to, just give the idea a chance.
tha DANKunist Manifesto 0/